Time to look back at some of this year's highlights: "
With the new year looming (at least in the opinion of Euro-centric people who abide by the Western calendar; I'm not one of them, preferring to live one day at a time, regardless of month or year) it's time once again for us to take stock of the year that's gone by and try to learn from it. Which is why I've posted this wonderful video of John Dvorak predicting the huge failure of iPhone. Namaste, grandpa. I honor the place where your head and your ass become one. Better luck in 2008.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Time to look back at some of this year's highlights
Web Zen: time zen
Web Zen: time zen: "
world time server
voco clock
clock design
wooden gear clocks (* image shown here)
Web Zen Home and Archives, Store (Thanks Frank!)
(Via Boing Boing.)
Irreverant Disneyland insider tees
Irreverant Disneyland insider tees: "
An anonymous ex-Disneyland cast-member is selling irreverent, insider-jokey t-shirts (good looking ones, too!) under the naughty name of 'Cryogenically Frozen.'
(via The Disney Blog)
(Via Boing Boing.)
Time to look back at some of this year's highlights
Time to look back at some of this year's highlights: "
With the new year looming (at least in the opinion of Euro-centric people who abide by the Western calendar; I'm not one of them, preferring to live one day at a time, regardless of month or year) it's time once again for us to take stock of the year that's gone by and try to learn from it. Which is why I've posted this wonderful video of John Dvorak predicting the huge failure of iPhone. Namaste, grandpa. I honor the place where your head and your ass become one. Better luck in 2008.
Friday, December 28, 2007
5,000-Pound Devil Fish Is Caught
5,000-Pound Devil Fish Is Caught: "5000 pound Manta devil fish killed with high powered rifle by coast guardafter fish became entangled in anchor of fishing boat."
(Via Digg.)
Martha Stewart's prison-made Nativity creche
Martha Stewart's prison-made Nativity creche: "On her TV show, Martha Stewart showed off the handsome ceramic Nativity creche that she made while in prison.
'Even though every inmate was only allowed to do one a month, and I was only there for five months, I begged because I said I was an expert potter -- ceramicist actually -- and could I please make the entire nativity scene,' she said.
Link (Thanks,
(Via Boing Boing.)
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Huge rat discovered in Indonesia
Huge rat discovered in Indonesia: "Scientists discovered this gorgeous rat in the eastern Papua province of Indonesia. They found it in an isolated forest where last year researchers reported the discovery of countless new species. At the time, a co-leader of the expedition said that the bit of jungle is 'as close to the Garden of Eden as you’re going to find on Earth.' From the Associated Press:
'The giant rat is about five times the size of a typical city rat,' said Kristofer Helgen, a scientist with the Smithsonian Institution in Washington. 'With no fear of humans, it apparently came into the camp several times during the trip.'
Previously on BB:
• Lost world discovered in Papua Link
(Via Boing Boing.)
Web Zen: Winter Zen
(above: S'mores nativity set).
growing christmas ornaments
letter to santa
hooray for santy claus
is it christmas?
smores nativity
weebl xmas
carnation x-mass jukebox
champions of cheer
warm wishes
cute with christmas
previously on web zen:
winter zen 2006
holiday zen 2005
Web Zen Home and Archives, Store (Thanks Frank!)
(Via Boing Boing.)
Disney as a religion, the college course
Disney as a religion, the college course: "John sez, 'Jennifer Porter, a Canadian professor who has previously examined the spirituality of Star Trek, Trek fans, Buffy the Vampire, and other sci-fi worlds has turned her attention to the one true religion of Disneyism.'
My current view is that Disneyism, as a religion, is a reality. But it's at an infantile stage (even though some would argue that it started with Walt's approval of the Mickey Mouse Club back in 1928 as a way to recruit young practitioners (aka, audience members for his cartoons). There are cathedrals (the theme parks), acolytes (myself, other Disney authors and subject matter authorities), and even worship meetings (NFFC groups, MouseFest, and online discussion boards).
Currently there is no written doctrine and no consensus among those core groups on exactly what the 'faith' and 'belief' of Disneyism involves. Like many religions it is a pretty personal faith defined by ones experiences with the subject. As a defined faith it clearly has a ways to go.
(Thanks, John!)
(Via Boing Boing.)
Realityland: the secret history of Walt Disney World
Realityland: the secret history of Walt Disney World: "
I just finished reading David Koenig's 'Realityland: True-Life Adventures at Walt Disney World,' the latest volume in Koenig's excellent series of behind-the-scenes histories of Disney theme parks that includes Mouse Tales: A Behind-the-Ears Look at Disneyland and More Mouse Tales: A Closer Peek Backstage at Disneyland.
Koenig reports on the trials and tribulations associated with the launch and operations of Walt Disney World, a property in Florida twice the size of Manhattan, originally slated to hold Walt Disney's mad, magnificent and terrible 'Experimental Prototype City of Tomorrow.' Koenig's extensive interviews with park and company insiders illuminate the heroic efforts and the ridiculous missteps from Disney on the way to building the world's most ambitious constructed environment.
Koenig's history shows us the real people behind the parks, the hand-scrapping union organizers and the shouting, abusive bosses, the innovative thinkers and the soulless corporate drones and raiders. The backstory of Disney World is like no other, because no one ever tried to build something like this before.
Walt Disney died three years before Disney World opened, and the organization spent 20 years treating him like Mao under glass, working only to the dicta that he left behind, treating his opinions as unshakable gospel (all the while conspicuously failing to build the city he'd planned for). By the late eighties, the company had to face the fact that Walt was dead and try to find its own way. The pathos and emotion of this transition really come to the fore in Realityland, which contains numerous passages I found myself reading aloud to friends.
The most fascinating stuff is, of course, the disasters -- and Realityland has them all, the fatalities, robberies, scams, idiocies and diseases. They provide a juicy, gossipy backdrop for the rest of the book, enlivening it.
(Via Boing Boing.)
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Baby's First Mythos: Cthluhoid picture book
Baby's First Mythos: Cthluhoid picture book: "
Baby's First Mythos is an ABC/123 picture book for kids that uses the mad, horrific imagery of HP Lovecraft to help you bring up your littlun right. Written by C.J. Henderson and illustrated by Erica Henderson.
Link, Link to Geek Parenting review
(Thanks, Amy!)
(Via Boing Boing.)
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Skull motorcycle helmet -- Boing Boing Gadgets
Skull motorcycle helmet -- Boing Boing Gadgets: "
Over on Boing Boing Gadgets, our Joel's spotted this skull-shaped motorcycle helmet. Joel notes, 'this Skull Helmet from Santiago Chopper meets their primary criterion: open-throttle badassery.'
Discuss this on Boing Boing Gadgets
(Via Boing Boing.)
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Al Gore meets Klingon ambassador
Al Gore meets Klingon ambassador: "
Well it was a momentous occasion as Al was lauded by the United Federation of Planets for his work to save planet Earth. He's shown here with the Klingon ambassador, Lord Koloth. (The V-shaped green emblem is the mark of his rank.) They're both holding menus from the dinner. Later Al was beamed aboard the Klingon mothership for a tour. He says it was absolutely fantastic, and he swears there were no rectal probes. 'Well,' I said, 'none that you remember. They give you drugs that erase your memory. Ask Woz. They did it to him back in the Eighties, only they overdid the memory drugs and now he can't remember anything. He goes around telling people he invented the friggin personal computer. Anyway it was the same ploy. They gave him some big award for tech innnovation, and took him up to the mothership. Honestly, I can't believe you fell for it. It's like the oldest alien trick there is.'
So Al gets all freaked out and wants to see a doctor. I told him not to bother since our primitive technology won't be able to detect anything. 'They probably put a chip in you too, but you'll never find that either,' I said. That put him in a panic. Dumbass. (Much love to Robert for the photo.)
Mitch O'Connell's glitter graphics
Mitch O'Connell's glitter graphics: "
I usually don't like animated GIFs, but Mitch O'Connell's glitter graphics are great. Link
(Via Boing Boing.)
Sunday, December 9, 2007
National Geographic News Photo Gallery: Week in Photos: Mini Frogs Born, Odd Star Spotted, More
National Geographic News Photo Gallery: Week in Photos: Mini Frogs Born, Odd Star Spotted, More: "
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Washington, D.C., November 29, 2007—Four baby 'froglets' hopped into the world on November "
Web Zen: Shopping Zen 2007
* mighty goods
* devout dolls
* baby badgers
* nut and bee
* fred flare
* stupidiotic
* rathergood toys
* strange new products
previously on web zen:
* shopping zen 2006
* shopping zen 2004
* shopping zen 2003.
Image: A Cyclops Kitty (R.I.P.) doll by Sara Lanzillotta of Devout Dolls.
Web Zen Home and Archives, Store (Thanks Frank!)
(Via Boing Boing.)
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Video of the day
Video of the day: "
Just got this from a dude named Anthony. Much love. We're all just taking a break here at the Jobs Domicile after a hefty meal followed by yoga and meditation. Must run because Bono is getting out his guitar and we're all going to take peyote. Even Al. He showed up alone, says it's really over this time. But he says that every time Tipper tosses him out. Mrs. Jobs is seriously bummed out because she thinks Al is going to try to move in again. Just one night, is what I told her. Besides we can't let him drive if he's tripping. I mean I've done that but I'm a lot more experienced than Al is. Okay. Must run. Peace.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Top ten most viewed pages on Wikipedia and Conservapedia: "[UPDATE: The Conservapedia Top 10 list is probably the result of click bots skewing the results. See Seth Finkelstein's blog entry and the comments below.]
Wikipedia is 'The Free Encyclopedia.' What's on the mind of Wikipedia its readers? Here are the top ten most viewed pages on Wikipedia:
- Main Page [30,090,900]
- Wiki [904,800]
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows [413,400]
- Naruto [401,400]
- Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock [396,000]
- United States [330,000]
- Wikipedia [329,400]
- Deaths in 2007 [321,300]
- Heroes (TV series) [307,500]
- Transformers (film) [303,600]
Conservapedia is 'The Trustworthy Encyclopedia.' What's on the mind of its readers? Here are the top ten most viewed pages on Conservapedia:
- Main Page [1,906,729]
- Homosexuality [1,572,713]
- Homosexuality and Hepatitis [517,086]
- Homosexuality and Promiscuity [420,687]
- Gay Bowel Syndrome [389,052]
- Homosexuality and Parasites [388,123]
- Homosexuality and Domestic Violence [365,888]
- Homosexuality and Gonorrhea [331,553]
- Homosexuality and Mental Health [291,179]
- Homosexuality and Syphilis [265,322
(Via Why, That's Delightful!)
(Via Boing Boing.)
Star Trek's cheesy creatures: "
The first season of Star Trek: The Original Series has just come been released in a combo box set including HD DVDs and standard DVDs. To celebrate, Wired News put together a package showcasing the '10 Cheesiest Classic Creatures' that caused Spock and Kirk a variety of headaches. Seen here, the beautiful beastie of 'A Private Little War.'
Link to Wired, Link to buy Star Trek: The Original Series (HD/DVD)
(Via Boing Boing.)
Engraved Victorian tentacle-horrors from Dan Hillier: "
Dan Hillier's Cthuloid drawings sport engraved Victorian gentlemen and ladies who are magically twisting into tentacled horrors. I just bought this one from the artist himself at a market stall in London's Brick Lane, and it's proudly hanging on my wall. I'm restraining myself (just barely) from buying more.
(Via Boing Boing.)