Monday, May 12, 2003

Finally, we know who is to blaim: Oreo!

Selling Oreos to kids is criminal. A lawsuit in San Francisco seeks to ban the sale of Oreo cookies to children on the grounds that they're full of transfat and sugar and lard and other crud.

The suit, the first of its kind in the country, asks for an injunction ordering Kraft Foods to desist from selling Nabisco Oreo Cookies to children in California, because the cookies are made with partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, also called trans fat...

In particular, he mentions a school-based program called the Oreo On-line Project, which involves stacking Oreos as high as possible without toppling the tower. In 2002, more than 326 schools and classes around the country participated, according to the Oreo Web site.



(Thanks, Mark and Steve!) [Boing Boing Blog]

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