Saturday, September 13, 2003

Me in Wired on casemodding

Posted by MacDood
My piece on casemodding from this month's Wired magazine is online:

MODDER: Rainer Wingender

Manager, BITS-Consulting

Siegenburg, Germany

SPECS: left side: 1.8-GHz AMD XP Thoroughbred 2200, 512 Mbytes RAM, Nvidia GeForce4 graphics card, 110-Gbyte hard disk, DVD-ROM; right side: 450-MHz AMD K6-2, 256 Mbytes RAM, 44xCD, CD-RW, 40-Gbyte hard disk.

COST: $1,000 in cooling plates, exhaust, intakes, and gauges; $2,000 in computer components

TIME: 250 hours over three months

INSPIRATION: "A 1971 Ford Mustang I owned when I was 18. If you've ever driven a V-8, you know the feeling."

CHALLENGE: "Designing good-looking feet. Early tries seemed too small, but when I added the punched bars, it balanced just right visually."

Link [Boing Boing]

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