Monday, February 9, 2004


Use apachetop to monitor web server process

Posted by MacDood
 Mon, Feb 9 '04 at 09:39AM • from: Anonymous

If you are administering an Apache web server and want to see what your Apache server is doing in real time, take time to look at apachetop [112KB download]. It is essentially the same as the UNIX top command, but instead of the top system processes, it displays the top Apache requests in a concise and helpful display. Building the file is simple:
% cd apachetop-0.10
% ./configure
% make
% sudo make install

Once the file is run, you can then see what your server's up to and tweak away to your hearts content. One note: because of the non-standard location of the OS X Apache log file, you'll need to tell it where to look when you run it:
% apachetop -f /var/log/httpd/access_log

[robg adds: This compiled and ran successfully on my machine, despite a couple warnings in the configure section...]

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