Report: An Investigation into the Bush Administration's Misuse of Science
Posted by MacDood
A scathing report from the Union of Concerned Scientists on the misuse of science and scientific process by the Bush Administration for political purposes has capped probably the most dismal six weeks for the presidency of George W. Bush. The report has won endorsements from many luminaries, and it provides a chilling insight into how the Truimph of The Bush Political Philosophy has put into danger the lives of the public, and that of the planet itself. In other words, President Bush and his Administration may itself be the ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction. The report opens with a quote that describes the vision of the current president's father, and ends with damning evidence of the son's misdeeds by the standards set by his own father. This is probably not surprising as GWB has tried to do almost everything differently from his father, the 41st and one-term President of the United States. In its conclusion the report seeks to strongly reprimand the president himself asking him to change course dramatically and immediately, chastises the almost pliant Congress, exhorts the Scientists to speak up, and asks for help from the public. []
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