Sunday, October 17, 2004

and on and on

We knew this.: "Confirming the Obvious: "A Knight Ridder review of the administration's Iraq policy and decisions has found that it invaded Iraq without a comprehensive plan in place to secure and rebuild the country... The Bush administration's failure to plan to win the peace in Iraq was the product of many of the same problems that plagued the administration's case for war, including wishful thinking, bad information from Iraqi exiles who said Iraqis would welcome American troops as liberators and contempt for dissenting opinions." Just in case anyone you know is still pretending this administration had the slightest idea what it was doing after "Mission Accomplished.""



Bob Cat said...

Bob comments:

With all respect, what in the hell does it mean to "win the peace?"

Can you imagine if Franklin Roosevelt had said after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor: "This is a day that will live in infamy. As soon as we figure out how to "win the peace" we will attack Japan and defeat it.

The thing is not to "win the peace" whatever that idiotic statement means but to win the war. When all military resistance is crushed, then the process of rebuilding can commence. The Iraqi terrorists represent no real military threat to the U.S. they have never won a single battle.

The key is to train the Iraqi military and police and turn the job of controlling these criminals over to them.

There is no difference between Bush and Kerry on this point.

Michael said...

Bob comments:
Bob comments:

With all respect, what in the hell does it mean to "win the peace?"

many opinions on this one
Bush should have read his Father;s book on why Bush senior didn't go in in ninety something

Can you imagine if Franklin Roosevelt had said after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor: "This is a day that will live in infamy. As soon as we figure out how to "win the peace" we will attack Japan and defeat it.

Roosevelt had a plan, the Marshall plan, the UN...

The thing is not to "win the peace" whatever that idiotic statement means but to win the war. When all military resistance is crushed, then the process of rebuilding can commence. The Iraqi terrorists represent no real military threat to the U.S. they have never won a single battle.

you scare me sometimes
there is no military resistence
1 to 2 car bombs a day, some of these exploded by the lines of unemployed Iraqis lining up for training to be a military or police person

The key is to train the Iraqi military and police and turn the job of controlling these criminals over to them.

I guess it depends on who ya wanna believe