Sunday, October 24, 2004

who ya gonna believe The Real Story on George Bush's "Wolves" Commercial: "Copyright  @ 2004      Wolfpacks for Truth are responsible for the content of this site.

The time has come to set the
record straight.
Alpha Frank is worried about
getting cancer from air
pollution because the Bush
Administration is no longer
actively regulating power
company emissions, instead
letting them regulate
themselves. His chances of  
getting a serious disease from
pollution are increasing each
year Bush is in office. Frank
just wishes those humans
would put their future before
company profits.
They told us we were shooting a Greenpeace
When the camera crew showed up, we wondered
why they were all driving Hummers. Our agent
assured us it was a Greenpeace commercial and
they paid TWICE our hourly steak rate. Little did we
know we were being tricked into this vicious
campaign attack ad.
We are not Terrorists!
George W. Bush incorrectly labelled my wolfpack
as a terrorist threat. We are NOT terrorists. We do
not associate with ter"

(Via .)

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