Thursday, April 7, 2005

Thursday, April 07, 2005
07:09 PM

Gallery of shaken faces: "David Pescovitz:
This gallery of 'shaken face' photos is very strange and funny. From the FAQ:

 Media O 4495Beacb1Fc69A52. How do I make one?

Start by loosen up your muscles. Then we recommend using one of two techniques: Prrr or Shaken.

- To Prrr you hold your lips together and say 'prrrr', just like a horse on a sweet summer day.

- To Shakit you just shake your face from side to side and let those cheeks fly free.

Sometimes you drool, but thats perfectly normal...

4. Does it hurt?

After a couple of hard shakes you can indeed feel a bit dizzy or drowsy. If so, just wait for a minute, then start again.

Link (via MetaFilter)

UPDATE: BB reader Phil Williams points us to another excellent gallery of shaken faces, aka 'jowlers.' Link"

(Via Boing Boing.)

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