Friday, May 20, 2005

Friday, May 20, 2005
09:29 PM
stand and deliver

Standing panda: "David Pescovitz:
Futa, a lesser panda at a zoo near Tokyo, stands upright for about 10 seconds at a time. From AFP:

 Us.I2.Yimg.Com P Afp 20050519 Capt.Sge.Quz87.190505153132.Photo00.Photo.Default-277X384The two-year-old male panda stands up several times a day when 'it sees something interesting', said Hiroyuki Asano, an official of Chiba Zoological Park, southeast of the capital.

'We have kept lesser pandas for nearly 20 years at this zoo, but I have not seen one like Futa, which can stand for such a long time,' Asano said.


(Via Boing Boing.)

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