Wednesday, May 4, 2005

Wednesday, May 04, 2005
09:51 PM

Right wing blogs go ape over George Lucas article in Wired: "Mark Frauenfelder:
Steve Silberman's excellent story about George Lucas in the current issue of Wired is inciting a good deal of mouth foaming and carpet chewing on conservative blogs. Says Steve: 'My Lucas story has blown up on right-wing blogs like Instapundit and the National Review Online, after being referenced on a conservative forum about film called Libertas.  What's strange is that -- with the exception of Libertas -- Lucas' 'statements,' particularly re: Fahrenheit 9/11, are being condemned with no link to the story or the online Q&A, as if Lucas' supposed opinions are just in the air somewhere.  And while Lucas critiqued F911 in the interview, the wingers are characterizing him as a 'Moore-loving liberal.'' Link"

(Via Boing Boing.)

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