Sunday, February 12, 2006
09:02 PM
ha ha
Cheney shoots 78-year old lawyer with shotgun, story held 24h: "Xeni Jardin:
'Harry Whittington, 78, was 'alert and doing fine' after Cheney sprayed Whittington with shotgun pellets on Saturday at the Armstrong Ranch in south Texas, said property owner Katharine Armstrong. (...) The vice president's office did not disclose the accident until nearly 24 hours after it happened.' Link
Reader Comment: Om says,
The important questions raised by this hunting accident are:
1) *Are* lawyers in season right now?
2) Was the lawyer at least a 4-point?
3) Was Cheney within his permit limit?
4) Was the Cheney aide misquoted about the lawyer's hunting suit having a target on the back, or that he'd bought it at Target a while back?
5) Will Disney adapt this into a cartoon about a baby lawyer having to adjust to living in the wild without his parent?
6) Is this what you should expect if you don't contribute enough to a political reelection fund in the future?
One more: Or is this the administration's new plan for tort reform, No Lawyer Left Behind?
(Via Boing Boing.)
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