Saturday, May 13, 2006

Recipe for Tortilla Casserole (Hotdish) ||

Saturday, May 13, 2006
09:57 PM

Recipe for Tortilla Casserole (Hotdish) || "
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Recipe for Tortilla Casserole (Hotdish) (Culture)

By Abominable Abitur
Mon May 8th, 2006 at 01:00:59 AM EST

What follows is the general outline for a dish that is the most comfortable of all my comfort foods.

It contains cheese, tortillas and some kind of meat, what more could you need?

Tortilla Casserole Stuff
Basic Ingredients for 1 pan:

Cheese - at least two cups (16 ounces = 1 pound = [454grams]), but I usually use three to four. I prefer to use a colby/jack mix or a 'mexican' mix that can be easily found in the cheese section.

1 can condensed Cream of 'Something' Soup - mushroom is standard, my mother uses cream of chicken (celery and broccoli aren't good). I've also seen a Squash Flower Soup by Campbell's that would "

(Via .)

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