10:42 PM
oops I've always misquoted it as Large Bags of Mostly Water
Documentary about people who speak Klingon: "David Pescovitz:
Fortean Times posted an interview with Alexandre Philippe and David Marchiori, respectively the director and producer of Earthlings: Ugly Bags of Mostly Water, a new documentary about the Klingon Language Institute. The film explores the line between reality and fiction through profiles of the likes of Louise Witty, who, according to the film's Web site, 'becomes fascinated with the language from her interest in Star Trek boots (and then fabricates and sells them), to a paintball fanatic who shouts his strategic commands in Klingon. From the interview:
FT: The film, as you say, doesn’t take the easy route of poking fun at what some ‘normal’ folks might consider to be weird behaviour, even when it borders on the absurd…
(AP:) Truthfully, of course, some of the film is funny; but Klingon speakers would see that too - they’re definitely in on the joke, and that’s what makes it great. But there’s a difference between finding this weird and laughing at what they do and dismissing their activities. Yes, it’s funny. Yes, it’s absurd. But that’s precisely the type of subculture that makes our world so endlessly fascinating. In this era of globalisation, I think it’s great that people try to assert their identity by embracing such communities. And what I’m personally particularly proud of is that I was there to create a lasting document proving the existence and the worth of this unique linguistic phenomenon...
DM: Everyone we met during the filming process, and all the Klingons we have met since, are virtually the same - gentle, intelligent people. Many of them are genuine Trek fans and this is their way of exploiting their love of the franchise. Many are linguists and language experts; in some cases Klingon is the sixth or seventh language they speak. And many of them are in it for the social aspects. I will say that while KLI members for the most part don’t indulge in dressing the Klingon way, they do take on a different persona when in Klingon mode. The large groups of people who like to dress as Klingons really take on different personalities while in the role. They act boisterous and aggressive... but when they change back, all is normal.
(Via Boing Boing.)
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