10:16 PM
truth is stranger than krikey
Steve "Crocodile Hunter" Irwin dead at 44: "Xeni Jardin:The eccentric Aussie naturalist and TV star died in a marine accident off the northeast coast of Australia today, at age 44. He is believed to have been killed when a stingray barb pieced his chest. Link (thank you to many who submitted)
Reader comment: Loren Coleman says,
Over at Cryptomundo, I've written a blog about how Steve Irwin has been
involved with cryptozoological pursuits: Link.
Simon Nielsen says,
Melbourne's newpaper 'The Age' has several stories on its front page detailing the highly unusual death of Steve Irwin. Steve was diving in far north Queensland off Port Douglas in the Great Barrier Reef. He was stabbed in the heart by the barb of a giant stingray - a freakish incident itself and unheard off. Stingrays are known as non-aggressive and docile creatures, curious of humans, often interacting with scuba divers and rarely prone to attack. Only two other deaths by stingray have ever been reported in the world. Had Steve been pierced in the leg or elsewhere - he would have survived. His death was unprecedented.
Andrew Fischer says,
A co-worker of mine who volunteers at the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago
and majored in marine biology found this paper. Sadly I can't send
along the full document but it looks as though Mr. Irwin's type of
injury is extremely fatal though thankfully rare.Medical Journal of Australia: Notable Cases
Survivor of a stingray injury to the heart
Beatrix F Weiss, Hugh D Wolfenden (MJA 2001; 175: 33-34)
Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Prince of Wales Hospital,
Sydney, NSW. weissbx@usa.net
Injuries to the extremities from stingray barbs are not uncommon along
the Australian seaboard. Cardiac injuries from stingray barbs are
rare, even worldwide, and all but one have been fatal. We report a
survivor of a cardiac injury caused by a stingray barb. Penetration of
a body cavity by a stingray barb requires early surgical referral and
PMID: 11476200 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Scott says,
As you could imagine people have spent time creating they're own tribute videos for 'The Crocodile Hunter'. Here you will find all the latest videos updated from all the main video websites including Youtube, Google video and Myspace. Link
(Via Boing Boing.)
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