Thursday, November 2, 2006

Flying Spaghetti Monster, Richard Dawkins come to South Park

Thursday, November 02, 2006
07:51 PM
and what a show it was

Flying Spaghetti Monster, Richard Dawkins come to South Park: "Xeni Jardin:
Tonight's episode of South Park features the BoingBoing's patron deity, The Flying Spaghetti Monster (PBUH), and Richard Dawkins. Previous BoingBoing posts about FSM: Link, about Dawkins: Link, and he's also part of an article in this month's Wired: Link.

Wonder how long before (a) clips from this episode shows up on YouTube, and (b) Comedy Central's lawyers force YouTube to take it down.

BB pal Wayne Correia is watching it now on the East Coast feed, and says, 'it's awesome.'

UPDATE: Here's some video on YouTube, while it lasts: Link. (Thanks, Franklin)


(Via Boing Boing.)

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