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How to wake up by 6:30 every morning - for the serious procrastinator || kuro5hin.org: "
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How to wake up by 6:30 every morning - for the serious procrastinator
By markovich in Op-Ed
Sun Nov 05, 2006 at 12:18:45 AM EST
Tags: sleep wakup sleep (all tags)
Many of us want to wake up earlier in the day. We stay up all day doing nothing but think how much more nothing we could get done if we woke up even earlier. The problem is - we are procrastinators, and we just keeping pushing the decision to wake up earlier till later.
I am a procrastinator! I admit it! I'm lazy, I have zero self control and even less self discipline. My life consists of simply rolling down the path of least resistance.
You know what I've done? I've gone and taken the biggest changes I wanted to make in my life, and modified them so that they BECOME the "
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