Friday, February 2, 2007

Friday, February 02, 2007
08:17 PM
hard to get AppleCare for a Sony

Sony's extended warranty is a rip-off: "Cory Doctorow:
Alice from the Wonderland Blog bought a Sony laptop last year and sprang for an extra $300 worth of 'home service' warranty. The first time it broke down (faulty hard-drive, plus Sony 'forgot' to install the Bluetooth module) the service tech put it back together wrong and now it doesn't work. Sony says she's had her quota of service calls, so she's out of luck. The moral: don't buy Sony, and don't trust their warranties.

Long story short: Sony sent out an engineer who replaced the parts, but didn't put my machine back together properly, and now won't send out someone again because I've had my quota of home visits. Yep, even though their work was shoddy, and even though I paid an extra 300 bucks for an extended policy. I also had to bribe the engineer to let me keep my dead HD, because otherwise Sony's policy is to keep it (and all the data!) - because a customer shouldn't get a replacement drive for free



(Via Boing Boing.)

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