Wikipedia trumps all MSM coverage of Libby verdict: "Xeni Jardin:
Link, since defaced and corrected many times. Spotted here on Wonkette. 'Irve' was found guilty today of 4 out of 5 charges. Earlier posts on the trial in Wonkette's archives here, and a straightfaced account here in the New York Times.
UPDATE: Fox News had a different take on the verdict (thanks, Webbie).
Reader comments: Steve Glista says,
Just saw the Libby conviction wiki post. I think your readers should
know that a lot of the credit for blogging this story should go to
Marcy Wheeler, Jane Hamsher and Christy Hardin Smith at firedoglake.
They've been KILLING the libby story, right
from the start, even before any charges were filed. You linked to
Wonkette, but the FDL bloggers have done all of the legwork on this
case. And Marcy (emptywheel) has a book out that discusses all the
details: Link.
Just a note on your screen-grab from Fox News about Scooter: he was technically found not guilty of lying to the FBI. He was, however, found guilty of everything else. Fox's one-liner isn't technically incorrect, but you'd have to say it's not exactly the key message of the verdict...
Steve says,
In response to Fox's take on the Libby verdict, they most certainly did technically get it 100% wrong. From the Wiki article (as per the NYT article):
'The jury rendered its verdict on March 6, 2007. It convicted Libby on four of the five counts against him—two counts of perjury, one count of obstructing justice in a grand jury investigation, and one of the two counts of making false statements to federal investigators—and acquitted him on one count of making false statements.'
No doubt Faux News was attempting to do just as Kris suggests and only report the specific spin that they cared to. Obviously they can't even do that right...
(Via Boing Boing.)
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