Monday, May 7, 2007

Movie posters redone in "grindhouse" style

brilliant - loved grindhouse by the way

Movie posters redone in "grindhouse" style: "Cory Doctorow:

SomethingAwful's latest photoshopping contest is remixing posters for lovable Hollywood to look like grindhouse exploitation films. This may be the apotheosis of the comedy photoshopper's art -- real genius here, laugh-aloud funny, and great execution. Someone should do a book of these -- or turn them into real wall-posters. I'd line my study with grindhouse-style posters for ET and The Prestige and Gosford Park. Shown here, propunker's brilliant Inconvenient Truth remix ('The Movie Washington Didn't Want You To See!!').


(Thanks, Bonnie!)


(Via Boing Boing.)

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