heh heh
Sorry I'm all out of clever iPhone headlines: short links roundup: "Xeni Jardin:

The inevitable iPhone cake: Link. (Thanks, Bonnie!)
Michael Robertson (MP3.com, Linspire, sipphone founder) has posted an essay with more thoughts on the carrier lockdown issues Cory blogged earlier on BoingBoing: Link to 'Battle of the Buttons.'
The Pope is stoked about Jesusphone, says Gelf Magazine: Link.
Love will tear it apart: Link.
Live webcast of the NYC launch: Link (thanks, Michael).
Meredith Viera blows an iPhone stunt on live TV: Link.
Snapshots of boxes of iPhones delivered to an Apple store by UPS guys, who are -- shockingly -- not wearing full body armor, or packing handguns and stun lasers: Link (thanks Matt).
iPhone versus Paris Hilton: Link (thanks I'm a PC).
In yesterday's short iPhone links roundup, I got some details wrong on that internal Apple employee giveaway announcement by Steve Jobs. I've since spoken to an Apple source who confirmed correct specifics, so the post is now updated: Link.
E!'s 'The Soup' will air this parody ad on tonight's episode: Link.
Friends of BoingBoing in Los Angeles: I'll be soaking up the insanity over at the iPhone launch at the Grove this afternoon/evening. If you're around, come say hi.
Previously on BoingBoing:
Working Assets calls for iPhone boycott
The Passion of the Jesusphone: iPhone short links roundup
Reader comment: Nathan says,
This is a photo of me and Steve Wozniak. He arrived at the Valley Fair mall apple store on a Segway at around 5am, he has been sitting in front of the store ever since. I am in line blogging about my experiences.
UPDATE 3PM PT: A secret NYC operative tells BoingBoing at 3:05PM PT, 'Spike Lee is suddenly the first person in line at the midtown Apple store. I don't know if he bought the place in line or what, but he wasn't there before, and he is now. He's being mobbed by papparazzi, bigtime. The line is like 2 blocks long. It's like Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory, everyone is waiting to open their box and find a golden ticket...'

(Via Boing Boing.)
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