Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Tim Goodman. The Bastard Machine : "Sopranos" finale: What really happened.

Tim Goodman. The Bastard Machine : "Sopranos" finale: What really happened.: "

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'Sopranos' finale: What really happened.

Well it's been quite a few days of post-'Sopranos' speculation and chat. I did five radio interviews on Monday including 40 minutes on 'Talk of the Nation' and that finale was, indeed, the talk of the nation. No doubt the finale will live on in pop culture history as a great debate. Did Tony live or die? I love that it has prompted so much discussion and creative (insane?) deconstruction. And now I'm on the verge of being very much over the whole thing. Time to move on. But before I do, a few final thoughts and a debunking of some 'Sopranos' myths:

I still believe, as I wrote, that it was a brilliant ending. As the days go by, it only gets better. For those people who felt cheated and/or betrayed by the ending, well, it could be you were watching the wrong series the entire time. Remember the good time"

(Via .)

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