List of 50 best movie robots of all time, with video: "Xeni Jardin:
The guys at Times Online (UK) have compiled a list of the 50 coolest movie robots, measured with the following factors in mind:
Plausibility (meaning how likely it would be that, with advances on currently existing technology, such a device could be built) Coolness (just how well designed, shiny or generally well-appointed the robot appeared to be) Dangerousness (scoring not only on built-in weaponry, but the robot's eagerness to use it)
Related LinksComedy Value (how effective the robot is at providing light relief in the film in which it appears)
to list, which includes lots of video clips -- this is a fun, obsessively assembled homage. (thanks, Mikey)
Reader comment: Mark Christian says,
Heya. If you feed that link into Chime.TV, you can watch all the video clips in one go. :) Link.
(Via Boing Boing.)
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