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Man lives after chair leg penetrates eye socket and throat: "
Seen above is an X-ray of Shafique el-Fahkri, a 20-year-old student who was attacked outside of a Melbourne, Australia nightclub in January. During a brawl, another 20-year-old, Liam Peart, threw a metal-framed chair at Fahkri. The chair leg went through Fahkri's eye socket and down into his neck. Amazingly, Fahkri not only survived but did not lose his eye, which was pushed to the side by the chair leg. From The Age:
(Fahkri) told The Age yesterday that his eye remained very blurry, his body was weak and his neck was stiff after the incident. 'I feel all right at the moment, actually, but I am too weak for work,' he said in a raspy voice, a consequence of the chair leg passing through his throat.
But he holds no grudges against 20-year-old Liam Peart, who yesterday pleaded guilty to a charge of negligently causing serious injury on January 21.
'I forgive him, totally,' Mr Fahkri said, a sentiment confirmed by Peart's barrister Duncan Allen, SC, in the Melbourne Magistrates Court.
Link (Thanks, Vann Hall!)
(Via Boing Boing.)
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