Monday, March 10, 2008

Sarah Connor Chronicles (Terminator) ARG: BBtv exclusive edition.

very very cool

Sarah Connor Chronicles (Terminator) ARG: BBtv exclusive edition.: "

Today on Boing Boing tv: an exclusive edition of the Alternate Reality Game (or 'ARG') for the Fox tv series Sarah Connor Chronicles (and the Terminator movie trilogy).

Enitech Labs designs cameras can take pictures of a future event by capturing faster-than-light 'tachyon' particles. When pictures of ordinary scenery foretell post-apocalyptic outcomes, the developers find themselves in a race against time to publicize their findings and warn the public of the horrors to come...

Link to BBtv episode, with discussion and downloadable video.

(Thanks, Bart Cheever / millionsofus!)

Previously on BBtv:

Sarah Connor Chronicles (Terminator) ARG sneak peek: part 1.


(Via Boing Boing.)

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