Saturday, June 28, 2008

What is a crapvendor?

What is a crapvendor?: "

What is a crapvendor? Joel has used the phrase a couple of times to a degree of bafflement, not least from crapvendors themselves. Please update your dictionaries:


1. A retail dealer in crap, especially wholesale consumer electronic crap from Asia.

2. Archaic. A physical outlet that sells such items.

[Origin: 1275-1325; middle English crappevendour, from Medieval Latin crappa, Anglo-Norman vendeur]

'It happened one day that a very beautiful woman went to the crapvendor to purchase an acrylic LED remote caddy, and in order to make it fit, he was obliged to look at her gadgets, which were so finely shaped that he felt his eye take an undue pleasure in viewing them.' — The Travels of Marco Polo, 1298


(Via Boing Boing Gadgets.)

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