Friday, July 24, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Skunkfest 2k9

Sunday, July 19, 2009
If The Wizard of Oz Got a Gritty Reboot |
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Richard Metzger's Tell It Like It Is Review of "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince"
Bad movie? No bone?
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Interesting Link
Might have to get a cthulu t shirt
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Rampaging toilet terrorizes children
I'm applying…
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Thursday, July 16, 2009
Nimbuzz Releases Mac Desktop Client, iPhone App Updates
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Wells Fargo sues itself
Why the financial markets s*ck
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Cats "Exploit" Humans By Purring
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Sunday, July 12, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
attack of the killer lampshade To Get $18 Million Redesign
Probably too late to bid for this project ya think?
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Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009 / Science fiction and fantasy / Blog posts / Cory Doctorow’s Makers, Part 1 (of 81)
Serialized novel by Cory Doctorow
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Sunday, July 5, 2009
Sarah Palin, via Twitter: God told me to sue the internet - Boing Boing
Sarah Palin, via Twitter: God told me to sue the internet
Wonkette has a post up about @AKGovSarahPalin's crazy late-night twitter bender. She's gonna have to give up that handle, no? Anyway, after you slog through all the crazy ungrammatical Palinglish rambling, the point seems to be that a "higher calling" has directed her to file anti-defamation lawsuits against a number of news websites for having reported the news that she quit her post as governor of Alaska (her "news conference" to that effect is embedded above). From Wonkette:
[A]fter crazily quitting her elected position as governor of Alaska, via an alarming backyard last-minute press conference void of any explanation , at the classic 4 p.m. hour of the Friday-Holiday news dump, Sarah Palin is now twatting on the twitter about how her Anchorage attorneys are going to SUE THE AMERICAN MEDIA, for saying "WTF?" Honestly, this is what Sarah Palin twatted on Saturday Night, July 4th, Independence Day, in America.Related reading: Anchorage Daily News article, hilarious. Vanity Fair article: It Came from Wasilla (and "Don't Blame Us"). (via @Andrew Baron)Her link goes to (of course) Scientologist nut and sub-literate weirdo Greta Van Susteren's blog on, where Greta has helpfully (?) posted seven pages of legal threats from Palin's lawyers, although you can't actually read beyond the first vague page of whining bullshit, because Greta/Fox can't figure out how to operate the Internet.
But, from other websites, we gather Palin's lawyers plan lawsuits against MSNBC, the New York Times, the Huffington Post, the Washington Post, individual bloggers in Alaska, and other such anti-Palin forces such as "rain on your wedding day" and static cling.
On his excellent "nedslist" mailing list, Ned Sublette wrote this concise and spot-on appreciation of the official text of Palin's goodbye speech:
[W]hat Roland Barthes would have called the pleasure of this text has to be savored in full to draw out its pure nuttiness. It's hard to know what to appreciate more: the all-caps prepositions; the sentence fragments that begin the fifth and sixth paragraphs, the run-on sentences, the frequent exclamation points!, the quotation from her parents' refrigerator magnet, the basketball analogy, the proposed logic of quitting so as not to be a quitter, or the grammatically incorrect final sentence framing the misattributed punchline, which was actually said not by General Douglas MacArthur but by General Oliver P. Smith. I especially like the capital O of "Outside" in "Outside special interests," which reminds us that the world consists of two parts: Alaska, and Outside.But what I most enjoy is the authenticity of this text; there can be no question that Governor You Betcha wrote it herself {wink}.
do you smell that smoldering, it's Republican.
Award winning pie

Joy is eating Mary's award winning pie for breakfast on July 5th. It won the neighborhood contest for Best Pies this 4th. Much better than the humdrum fireworks we traopsed down to see at the Martinez
moini cameras
Pure Digital Mino 60 Minute Camcorder
- + $5 shipping
- Condition:
- Refurbished
- Product:
- 1 Pure Digital F360 Mino 60 Minute Camcorder
- Color:
- Black, White
get em while they last - such a deal
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Cthulu action figure
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Friday, July 3, 2009
A Whole Lotta Nothing: Weight loss tips for geeks
Weight loss tips for geeks
I'm halfway through a big bet and I just weighed in at a tad over 210 pounds this morning, right on schedule for winning my bet. Getting down to 220lbs from 230 at the start of the year was easy, but the rest of the pounds were much harder. I'm now on a pretty good weight loss streak of a couple pounds per week with no end in sight. Different things work for different people but I thought I'd share what worked for me in the hopes that maybe one or more of these tips will help your own weight loss as well.
Read the Hackers Diet
A good starting point is reading the bible for geek weight loss: The Hacker's Diet. It's a simple free book you can get a copy of online and read on almost any device.
I;ll read and then write my own down to 247 from 267 in 10 months - slow and steady wins the race
USB hub in the shape of an octopus | Boing Boing Gadgets
USB hub in the shape of an octopus
At last! [Gadget4all via technabob]
never will it end
Shaming Congress into voting against the industries who bribed them to stop public healthcare - Boing Boing
Shaming Congress into voting against the industries who bribed them to stop public healthcare
Adam sez,Lawrence Lessig's new anti-corruption organization Change Congress recently used online ads to shame Sen. Ben Nelson in his home state for opposing President Obama's public health insurance option while taking $2 million from the health and insurance interests that are leading the fight against it. And it worked. After an 11-day public fight, Nelson switched from calling the public option "a deal breaker" to saying he is open to it and promising not to join Republicans in a filibuster against it.
DVMUG Film Fest Promo Film
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Giant Model Railroad Is an Analog SimCity | Raw File |
In mah town walnut creek
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