Saturday, September 19, 2009 - 10.6: Make List view Stacks work like Grid view Stacks

10.6: Make List view Stacks work like Grid view Stacks
System 10.6
There's a new hidden preference available for List view Stacks in the Dock in 10.6. Open Terminal and run these two commands:
$ defaults write use-new-list-stack -bool YES  $ killall Dock
This will make the List view behave like the Grid view, only with all items arranged in one vertical list, with names to the right.

[robg adds: The screenshot at the right is mine; click it for a larger version of the before (left) and after (right) versions of the List stack. With the change, you'll have to drill down into folders as you do with Grid view stacks; this hint's keyboard method works fine for the new style List view stacks.]

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