Sunday, March 21, 2010

DVMUG Ipad Raffle

iPad Raffle (from Rick Calicura in the March ApplePress)
How would you like to have the one of the very first new Apple iPads? The iPad will be released in a few weeks and many can hardly wait to get their hands on one, or to see one in someone else’s hands so that they can determine whether they want/need one. DVMUG is planning on raffling one off.
This is a fundraiser for DVMUG as well as a fun event, and we want tickets to fly out the door. The drawing will probably be at the May meeting (but it could be June, it depends on how fast DVMUG can get one). Whatever the date, however, you need not be present to win. The winner, if not present at the drawing, will be contacted to arrange delivery of his or her new iPad.
Since many of our members maintain their connection with DVMUG solely through the BBS and/or the news- letter, I thought it would be important for those of you who are seldom seen at our meetings to learn about this and how to participate in the drawing.
To get your raffle tickets by mail, simply send your
check to DVMUG, P. O. Box 5031, Concord, CA 94524. Tickets are $5 each, or 3 for $10. Mail your checks early and your ticket stubs will be mailed back to you—DVMUG volunteers will fill in the “business” end with your name and phone number for you and deposit them in The Tub to await the drawing. This is
a great chance to get a new iPad.

Don't delay

Posted via web from mclasen's posterous

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