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Feb 9, 2011 (yesterday)
Parenting Handbook: Father Hand-Paints Super Mario Bros. Mural in Son's Bedroom

Anyone accepting nominations for parents of the year? Because this guy deserves it. On a whim, a Tennessee man named Casey Fleser—a self-professed "software developer, hobby collector, family man, and all around good guy—decided to decorate his sons' room in a Super Mario Bros. theme. "I didn’t really think about it," he explains, "except that it would be cool." Well, sometimes cool equals expensive, and Fleser came face to face with a set of decals that would help make the coolness happen—...
Feb 9, 2011 (yesterday)
Ridiculously cute and tiny Royal antelope calf...

Ridiculously cute and tiny Royal antelope calf born at the San Diego Zoo. These tiny antelopes stand barely a foot tall when fully grown. (Want more? See NOTCOT.org and NOTCOT.com)
Feb 9, 2011 (23 hours ago)
A stunning commitment to odometer numerology [LOLCars]
Not only did Jalopnik commenter A Caving Ape have to plan 800 miles in advance for this odometer trick, he had to realize this was coming at 122,667 to precisely set his trip meter. Well done, sir. Well done. More »
Feb 9, 2011 (12 hours ago)
PHOTO: Bring TIM! (Time Is Money) is a clock that…

Bring TIM! (Time Is Money) is a clock that tallies the dollars spent in meetings (The Meeting Ticker is an online version). The TIM clock is mentioned in this WSJ article which describes how NYC Mayor Bloomberg, who wrote in his autobiography of his appreciation for stand-up meetings, has ordered the installation of a different model of count-up clocks in meeting rooms throughout City Hall. The reason: “To make staffers mindful of how much time they’re spending jawing with one another.” [via...
Feb 9, 2011 (yesterday)
White House Now Brewing Its Own Beer [Brew News]
At the annual White House Super Bowl party the Obamas served White House Honey Ale, a beer made with one pound of honey from a bee hive in Michelle's garden. Call us when they brew a batch of Four Loko. More »
Feb 8, 2011 (2 days ago)
thesilentist: Levi’s latest fit for men: The Ex-Girlfriend Jean...

thesilentist: Levi’s latest fit for men: The Ex-Girlfriend Jean — OK, now these hipsters are just fucking with us. I seriously thought to myself, “Is it April first?” when someone sent me this link. I mean… FOR REALS? FOR REALS?
Feb 8, 2011 (2 days ago)
One of These Things is Not Like the Other

How long will it take you to spot it?Thanks to Liz T., who says this is why you never order Valentine cookies from a baker who's recently been dumped. (True story.)
Feb 9, 2011 (15 hours ago)
hedgehog mittens.

Oh, holy snap. These need to be on my hands, pronto.LINK: MOREHOUSE FARM
Feb 7, 2011 (3 days ago)
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